Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Water Taking Over

By donating to Chalk on Water, or purchasing a cup, you are able to make a difference. That one person or community that you donate towards could have access to safe drinking water. All it takes is a compassionate person to reach out and show them that the lifestyle they live isn't necessary. As we attend school and are able to get an education, many drop out in other countries due to the lack of clean water facilities. Students often miss class due to fetching water and taking care of those ill from water related diseases. This in turn effects the economy of a country. By providing safe drinking water sources, many positive outcomes take place. School becomes a success, jobs are created as well as filled, and a healthier, longer life is possible.

The Water Project works to provide people in Sub-Saharan Africa with clean water and a healthier life. You can also be a part of the water movement. Below is a link to the Water Projects website.

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